LegalX Kiosk

An effort to enhance the accessibility of Justice

What is LegalX Kiosk?

LegalX Kiosks, situated nationwide, are computer stations or laptops designed to offer legal services to individuals who lack wifi or technological resources. Positioned in diverse locations, these kiosks enable the public to seek legal advice, request legal aid services, obtain legal resources, and, in certain instances, schedule appointments with advocates.

Who can use them?

LegalX Kiosks are accessible to everyone; however, prior account creation is required. Our on-site operators are available to assist you in setting up your account. Once established, your account grants you the ability to inquire about legal matters, access information and services, or connect with a legal aid provider. Utilizing our Ask A Query service, we can assist you in completing forms, applying for services, or guiding you towards the appropriate resources.

Why are they needed?

Geographical constraints, low legal literacy, socioeconomic inequality, and an overworked judicial system make legal kiosks needed in Bangladesh. They will serve as vital hubs for providing legal aid services, providing easy access to legal counsel in isolated locations, educating people about their legal rights and empowering them through it, assisting in early intervention and dispute resolution, and building community trust and engagement. 

Legal kiosks will play a crucial role in achieving social justice, supporting human rights, and creating stronger, more inclusive societies in Bangladesh by bridging legal gaps and boosting access to justice

Enquiry for a LegalX Kiosk

If you are interested in enquiring for a LegalX Kiosk setup in your area, or simply just want to donate, please fill out the specific form and our team will contact you right away.